Auto Insurance: Protect yourself and your vehicles in the event you are in an accident or your car is damaged in an unforeseen event.
- Bodily Injury Liability—If your car accident hurts someone, this helps cover their injuries and helps protect you in the event you are sued
- Property Damage Liability—If your car damages some else’s property, this helps cover the damages
- Collision—If your car is in a crash, this coverage helps pay for the cost of repairs to your car
- Comprehensive—If your car is damaged by hail, fire, theft, etc., this coverage helps pay for the repairs to your car
- Medical Expense—If you are injured in a car accident, this coverage helps pay medical costs regardless of fault
- Uninsured Motorist—Protects you and occupants of your car in the event of an accident with an uninsured driver
- Emergency Road Service—This coverage pays to cover cost of towing and/or labor if your car breaks down and needs to be towed to a repair facility
- Rental Reimbursement—Helps pay for the cost of a rental car if your car is in the shop due to a Comprehensive or Collision claim
- Other coverages may also be available